Introducing the Aspen™10 Edge Device for Environmental Monitoring

Aspen™10 IoT Edge Device
The revolutionary Aspen 10 Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Device allows you to easily connect your environmental sensor to the cloud.

Local Rainfall Data at Your Fingertips
With an Aspen 10 Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Device-enabled RainVue™10 station, you can capture localised rainfall variations to proactively deploy emergency personnel during storm events.

Environmental Data Where You Need it Most
With an Aspen 10-enabled ClimaVue™50, you gain access to accurate, actionable meteorological data for informed decision-making.

Explore our other Aspen 10 sensor combinations
The Aspen 10 Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Device can be paired with many of our digital sensors. Learn more about our growing list of compatible sensors